Obedience Training
 Competiton ObedienceIn competition obedience dog and handler strive to work in total harmony to produce precision heelwork and set exercises. These exercises include heelwork, recall, retrieve, distance control, scent discrimination and sendaways.
Classes range from Pre-Beginners to Class C and progression through the classes is reflected in the complexity of the exercises required. To encourage handlers to even consider competing, there are now Special Pre-Beginner classes, held at several of the local shows, which bridge the gap between the KC Good Citizen Scheme and Pre-Beginners.
At the other end of the scale, there are Championship Obedience Shows where the very best can qualify for Crufts.
 What do you need to have a go?Toys, treats, plenty of patience and energy and of course, having a dog with a bit of attitude helps!
At Down District, we only use motivational training methods - this means plenty of play interaction with your dog and the plentiful use of tasty treats for rewards. Dogs will repeat actions that they find rewarding and this is the basis of all our training whether it relates to pet dog obedience, competition obedience or agility.
Competition training currently takes place on a Thursday evening.