Club Trophies and Awards - AgilityThere are 5 Club Agility Trophies awarded each year:
Jazzymac trophy - Combined Agility & Jumping( L)
Grades 3-7
The Morgan Trophy - Combined Agility & Jumping (M))
Grades 3-7
The DDDTC Trophy - Combined Agility & Jumping (S)
Grades 3-7
The Paddy & Cassie Trophy Combined Agility & Jumping (L)
Grades 1-2
The Bess Memorial -Trophy Combined Agility & Jumping (S,M)
Grades 1-2
The Cody Jumping Trophy (S,M,L)
Grades 1-7
Points are awarded for placings as follows:
The dog’s grade at the start of the season will determine award eligibility but all placings in KC/IKC shows will count, except see below:
Only CLEAR rounds (no jumping or time faults) will count for each of the 3-7 trophies and the 1-7 Trophy above.
All placings presented will count for the 1-2 trophies, irrespective of faults.
Agility places will accumulate the full number of points relevant to the placing. Points for the the Jumping classes will be 50% of the above.
Fun shows, Winter League, Novelty or Team competitons will not count as these can be ideal training opportunities and members should be encouraged to use them as such.
 Club Trophies -ObedienceThere are 5 club trophies available for club members.
Pre-Beginner Trophy |
Beginner Trophy |
Novice Trophy |
A,B & C Trophy |
There is also the Down District Trophy for the most successful Obedience & Agility Handler and Dog
 The Smultronstig Triple TrophyThe intention of this award is to recognise achievement across a broad range of canine sporting activities.
The handler and dog team with the highest combined points total for their best 3 canine sporting activities in each calendar year will be awarded the trophy, where points have been earned in at least 3 activities.
Agility & Obedience
The points allocation for Agility & Obedience will be as above for Agility. Results from all grades/levels and for all sizes of dog will count. Only clear runs in Agility ( no jumping or time faults) will count.
Agility places will accumulate the full number of points relevant to the placing. Jumping places will score 50% of the points.
Results gained in any competition run under the rules and regulations of a UK or Republic of Ireland registered body and recognised by the DDDTC Committee, will count for points. The registered bodies currently recognised are the KC, IKC and CHUK.
Qualifying scores = 1 point
Excellent qualifying scores = 2 points
These points will be in addition to any gained for placings