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 Kennel Club Awards Bronze Award Congratulations to club members who were successful in passing their Good Citizen Bronze assessments last Monday. At the back from the left we have Linda and Watson, Julie and Poppy, Catherina and Holly and Heather and Henry. In front are Freda and Abbie, Karen and Dolly, Lisa and Winnie and Sarah and Maisie. Well done everyone.
16th June 2018 |
 KCGCS Puppy Successes Congratulations to our Puppy Class graduates who recently completed their KCGCS Puppy Assessment. Well done to William, Izzy and Suki Cozer, Naiomi, Amy and Harley Jennings and Nick, Ilva and Dutch Rooney
 Kennel Club GCS Puppy Successes Congratulations to the puppies and their handlers who were successful on Monday on passing their Kennel Club Puppy Assessments.
From left we have: Gareth Little and David English with Binty, Catherina Caffrey and Holly, Jeffrey and Sarah Taylor with Maisie and Lisa Cromie and Winnie. John Robson and Fionnuala were also successful.
Well done everyone.
28th March 2018 |
 KCGCS Bronze Award Congratulations to club members who were successful in passing their Good Citizen Bronze Assessment tonight. From left: Ruth and Lucy, Greer and Harry, Linda and Ailis, Alison and Minnie and Jayne and Jinx. well done everyone.
26th March 2018 |
 Good Citizen Successes Puppy Assessments Puppy class Graduates from the course ending last night, 12 February. Well done to: Joseph, Sharon and Pete McCluskey, Karen and Dolly Hanlon, Linda and Watson Wright, Julie and Poppy Girvan and Mandy and Pickle Broughton. Not shown are Dianne and Sheba Courtney and Fay and Mac Coffey. Poppy found the treats!
14th February 2018 |
 Christmas Puppy Assessments KCGCS Congratulations to our puppy class graduates on Monday night: Julie Wilmont with Poppy, Dougie Fairweather with Alba; The Gileos (Mrs, Jonathan, and Maia) with Summer; and Rebecca Wright and daughter with Izzi.
Well done all, and hope to see you all in future classes.
19th December 2017 |
 KCGCS Bronze Award Congratulations to club members who achieved their Bronze Good Citizen certificates last night. From the left we have Gillian and Suki, Catherina and Misty, Nathan and Bruce, Libby and Jenna and ( not in the photo Lewis and Ellie). Joanne and Luke with Daisy achieved their Good Citizen puppy certificate.
Well done everyone.
18th December 2017 |
 Silver Awards KCGCS Dogs and Handlers who passed their KC Good Citizens 'Silver' test, under extreme weather conditions! From left; Gordon and Lola, Heather and Delilah, Alison (trainer), Bobby (Judge), Cherene and Ozzie and Maria and Loki.
Well done everyone
6th June 2017 |
 Puppy Succeses KCGCS Well done to all the recent Puppy Graduates: From L Zoe and Georgie Girl, James and Suzy with Daisy, Peter and Gareth with Izzy, Fiona with Chip, Paddy and Rudi and Noleen with Penny. Not in the picture are Yolanda and Belle, Colin and Otis, Lisa and Onion and Hugh and Toby.
Congratulations everyone.
15th May 2017 |
 KC Good Citizen Scheme Bronze and Silver Awards Congratulations to those club members who were successful in passing their KC Good Citizen tests Last night. From the left: BRONZE - Heather and Delilah, Cherene and Ozzie and Brian and Ann with Hazel.
SILVER- Christopher and Jet.
Well done everyone
7th March 2017 |
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